The statistical consultants are advanced students in the Measurement and Statistics program. Consultants will schedule appointments on an individual basis with each client. You can find the list of current consultants and request an appointment using this online form. One of the consultants will contact you to arrange the specific time of the appointment.

Please note, your consultants are NOT going to run data analyses for you. They can help you to decide what to run, and how to run it (e.g., what statistical packages will do the analyses, how to find the analysis in that package, etc.) and can help you make sense of any output you have created yourself. Also, this service is not meant for use by anyone currently taking statistics courses; if you are enrolled in a statistics class, please see your class teaching assistants for assistants with course work.

We hope this service is of interest and will be helpful to those of you in the dissertation stage. If you have any questions or comments about this service, you may contact Yanyun Yang.
