Dr. Yanyun Yang

Professor/Associate Chair
Dr. Yanyun Yang
3204K Stone Building
Educational Psychology & Learning Systems

Dr. Yanyun Yang is a professor of Measurement and Statistics in the Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems. She has been on faculty since Fall 2007.

Dr. Yang earned both her B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees in Psychology from East China Normal University. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Measurement, Statistics, and Methodological Studies from Arizona State University.

Dr. Yang’s major research interests include reliability estimation methods, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling, particularly related to categorical data. She is also interested in applications of advanced statistical procedures to the subject areas such as mental health, educational psychology, and sport psychology. Her research has been appeared in Behavior Research MethodsEducational and Psychological MeasurementMethodologyPsychometrika, and Structural Equation Modeling.

Dr. Yang’s personal homepage