- Upper-division undergraduate students: Follow the instructions below.
- Medical, and mental health course drops: contact the appropriate academic dean’s representative.
- Personal hardship course drops: submit our online petition form
- Lower-division undergraduate students (pre- and NFA- majors) students: email undergradstudies@fsu.edu for information and instructions.
- Graduate students: Follow the instructions below.
- Medical, and mental health course drops: contact the appropriate academic dean’s representative.
- Personal hardship course drops: submit our online petition form
Drop Form Instructions
- Log in to your my.fsu.edu account.
- We recommend using a computer, not your phone to generate the drop form.
- Under the “MY COURSES” tab (located in the center of the page), click the pencil-drop icon.
- On the “Drop Classes” page, select the term (semester) of the course you wish to drop (e.g. Fall 2022, Spring 2023, etc.) and click Continue.
- Click the red button that says, “Click here to drop a class for a closed enrollment term.”
Do not skip this step – the system will generate an error message if you do.
- Read the instructions and/or acknowledgements and click Continue.
- Select the term of the class which you wish to drop.
- When your schedule appears again, select the course that you want to drop, and click the “Drop Selected Classes” link.
- Download and save the generated drop form.
- If a form does not appear, check to make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off
- Do not sign the generated form – the signature lines are for the Academic Dean’s office to signify approval of the drop.
- Send the generated drop form to annescollege-studentservices@fsu.edu.