You can find information about tuition at FSU here.

This page provides a central location for information on distinguished scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, and university financial aid available to Anne's College students. All U.S. students are encouraged to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) regardless of their income. International Students from select countries should consider applying for the Linkage Institutes’ Out-of-State Tuition Exemption. You can also visit the Florida State University Office of Financial Aid website for more information about financial aid opportunities.

The application window for Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 Anne's College Scholarships is open until March 1, 2025All scholarship decisions will be sent through the FS4U system in early May 2025.

Anne's College Foundation Scholarships

The application window for Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 Anne's College Scholarships is December 1, 2024 - March 1, 2025All scholarship decisions will be sent through the FS4U system in early May 2025.

To be eligible, you must be a degree-seeking student in Anne's College who will be enrolled in Fall 2025.

Scholarship applications go through FSU’s scholarship platform, FS4U – Finding Scholarships for You.

Questions about Anne's College foundation scholarships can be directed to

Anne's College Travel Scholarships

The application window for Anne's College Travel Scholarships is December 1, 2024 - March 1, 2025.

The Anne's College Travel Scholarships ($500) were established to provide undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities to travel as a way to enhance their educational experience. This experience should be one which is of significant interest to the applicant and applicable to their career in education so they can bring their passion to the scholarship experience.

The International Travel Scholarships ($5,000) were established to provide students with new cultural experiences to enhance their degree program in Anne's College. These scholarships are being offered to help students at Anne's College have a unique experience with cultural immersion as a means of enhancing their future careers.

Travel Scholarship Eligibility

  • Must be formally admitted to Anne's College as an undergraduate or graduate student and in good academic standing.
  • Travel must be completed within one calendar year of award.
  • Must attend one (1) semester in Anne's College after travel program and present a Brown Bag Lecture of your experience.
  • Travel must be an Anne's College faculty approved, monitored program, or directed independent study (DIS).
  • Two letters of recommendation from FSU faculty members

For questions about the Anne's College Travel Scholarships, please contact You can apply online here.

Dr. Toni Jo Mason Scholarships for Students with Physical, Visual and Auditory Disabilities

Dr. Toni Jo Mason Scholarships ($3,000) – The Dr. Toni Jo Mason Endowment for Excellence supports physically disabled students in Anne's College who demonstrate financial need, exhibit academic achievement, and embody the “stick-to-it-ness” that drove Dr. Toni Jo Mason to succeed. Eligible recipients must meet all four criteria.

  • First criterion: Eligible students include only those full-time undergraduate and graduate students with physical, visual or auditory disabilities. First preference shall go to students with a physical disability, though visual and auditory disabilities may be considered if no student with a physical disability is eligible.
  • Second criterion: All students shall have demonstrated financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and/or meet other university requirements documenting financial need.
  • Third criterion: Students must have a grade point average of at least a 2.5.
  • Fourth criterion: Students must submit a short essay on why they are applying for the Dr. Toni Jo Mason Endowment for Excellence Award, how they will use the award to support their academic achievement, and what they hope to attain in their lives and careers. Furthermore, once a qualified applicant meeting the Donor’s stated eligibility criteria is selected, the eligible recipient shall be able to renew the award annually through the completion of their degree provided they continue to meet the four stated criteria and provide an annual written thank you note to the donor with copy to the Anne's College Dean describing how they have used the awarded funds that year and how the Dr. Toni Jo Mason Endowment for Excellence award has influenced their personal and academic success.

Toni Jo Mason

The Dr. Toni Jo Mason Endowment for Excellence shall serve as a lasting tribute to the life and work of Dr. Toni Jo Mason (Ph.D., 1982, Educational Leadership and Administration) and her commitment to recognizing all people by their abilities rather than their disabilities.

Dr. Toni Jo Mason was diagnosed with cerebral palsy soon after birth. Her parents, both educators, created an encouraging environment that enabled and supported her belief that she could and would accomplish anything other children could do with time and determination. In 1960, she followed in her parents’ footsteps and earned her B.A. in social studies and English from Western Liberty University, followed by an M.A. in Guidance and Psychology from Marshall University in 1964, and a Specialist Degree in Counselor Education and Psychology from the University of North Carolina in 1972. Dr. Mason taught at the elementary and secondary school levels, developed curricula and career education programs nationwide, worked for the US Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, introduced the US Office of Special Education to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and served as the Coordinator of Diagnostic Services for Leon County, Florida where among her many accomplishments, she led the charge to make all Leon County School System playgrounds handicap accessible and compliant with all ADA requirements. Dr. Mason’s career was committed to ensuring that all people were recognized by their abilities rather than their disabilities. She focused on the need to provide encouragement, equal opportunities, and the support to be able to dream, to learn, and to achieve an individual’s full potential. She believed that the ability to overcome obstacles required an attitude of “stick-to-it-ness” which meant never giving up on dreams, no matter how long or how hard a pathway to achievement might be.

Click here to apply, for the Dr. Toni Jo Mason Scholarship.

For questions and additional information about the Dr. Toni Jo Mason Scholarships, please contact or apply directly through FS4U.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant program provides grants up to $4,000 annually to students who commit to teaching in select high-need subject areas in public or private elementary or secondary schools that serve low income families. Click here to learn more.

Graduate School Fellowships and Grants

Click here to learn more about funding opportunities from the FSU Graduate School.

Career Counseling Scholarships

These scholarships are available to students in Anne's College's Career Counseling program. In order to qualify for these scholarships, applicants must have been admitted to graduate school in Anne's College. For more information, please contact Dr. Robert Reardon.

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans is a $90,000 merit-based fellowship exclusively for immigrants and children of immigrants who are pursuing graduate school in the United States. The program draws nearly 1,800 applications annually for just 30 fellowships.

P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization)

P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) is a philanthropic organization where women celebrate the advancement of women; educate women through scholarships, grants, awards, loans, and stewardship of Cottey College and motivate women to achieve their highest aspirations.

Southern Scholarship Foundation

Through rent-free housing and cooperative living, Southern Scholarship Foundation supports students who lack financial resources, demonstrate excellent academic merit, and exemplify good character attend institutions of higher education.

Anne's College Scholarships for Veterans

The John W. Daves Veterans Support Scholarships, Charles Haworth Awards for Student Veterans and Jim Impara Endowed Scholarship for Veterans provide veterans of the United States Armed Forces with financial support not covered by the GI Bill. Recipients must be enrolled in Anne's College and be in good standing. Financial support includes, but  is not limited to the additional expenses incurred through research projects or internships, or recognition of exceptional academic achievement or service to the Florida State University community.

For questions about the Anne's College Scholarships for Veterans, please contact To be considered for one of the scholarships at Anne's College for Veterans, please submit both the FSU General Scholarship Application and the Anne's College Conditional Application on FS4U.

For a full list of university-wide scholarships for veterans, please visit the FSU Student Veterans Center website.

The Florida Fund for Minority Teachers (FFMT)

The Florida Fund for Minority Teachers (FFMT) offers an undergraduate scholarship, the Minority Teacher Education Scholarship (MTES), available to minority students wishing to become teachers in Florida’s public school system. The annual amount of the Minority Teacher Education Scholarship is $4,000. Awards are only disbursed during the fall and spring semesters, in the amount of $2,000 per semester. Students may be eligible to receive the scholarship for up to two consecutive years.

Contact Frank Amidon for more information.

McKnight Doctoral Fellowships

These fellowships for newly enrolling African American and Hispanic graduate students provide up to five years of support, with a stipend of $12,000 plus tuition waivers and other support for four years and with the fifth year support at a rate that is typical in the student’s academic program.

This is a state-wide program administered through the Florida Education Fund (FEF). Applications are available on the FEF website. The application deadline is January 15.

For more information regarding FSU application procedures, contact The Graduate School.

Florida Education Fund
201 E. Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 1525
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 272-2772

Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships

These fellowships are awarded on the basis of national competition to U.S. citizens or nationals. Approximately 60 predoctoral fellowships, 35 dissertation fellowships, and 20 postdoctoral fellowships are awarded annually.

The stipend is $20,000 for the predoctoral fellowship (per year for up to three years), $21,000 for the dissertation fellowship (for one year), and $40,000 for the postdoctoral fellowship (for one year).

Fellowships Office of Policy and Global Affairs
500 Fifth Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 334-2873

American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship

This is a national competition for women at the final stage of writing their dissertations. The fellowship provides a stipend of $20,000.

AAUW provides other fellowship and postdoctoral opportunities. For more information on fellowship opportunities for women and application information, contact:

AAUW Educational Foundation
1111 16th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
(800) 326-2289

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Book Stipend

Approximately three awards per year are given to graduate and undergraduate students. Stipend is $350.

For more information, contact the FSU Office of Student Agencies and Institutes.

Latin American – Caribbean Scholars

Graduate students who are citizens from Latin America and Caribbean (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) who have been awarded a non-duty scholarship from the U.S. federal government, the State of Florida government or by the government of the Latin American/Caribbean country of origin, of a minimum of $500 per semester, may be eligible to be designated as Latin American and Caribbean Scholarship recipients.

A Latin American and Caribbean Scholarship recipient (LAC) will be classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes only.

More information about the LAC scholarship is available here.

For questions, please contact:

The Graduate School


Student Business Services

Leslie N. Wilson - Delores Auzenne Fellowship for Minorities

This assistantship is available for all new or currently enrolled minority graduate students. Nomination is through the department or college, but competition for these awards is on a university-wide basis. The stipend is a minimum of $5,000 per academic year plus tuition waivers. Application forms are available from The Graduate School. The application deadline is February 1.