The pre-internship “field experience” provides students an opportunity to participate in teaching activities in a classroom with a certified teacher. Instructors work with our Field Placement Coordinator to provide education students with placements, supportive supervision and an experience that will challenge and help re-affirm their choice of profession.

For more information about field experience, view the Handbook for Early Field Experience.

Clearance Procedures for Field Experience

School districts have taken precautionary measures to ensure the security and safety of students. To gain entry into schools and to comply with the Jessica Lunsford Act, all students involved in field experiences (observation, one-on-one instruction, classroom assistant with or without instruction, small group instruction, whole class instruction) and student teaching must:

  • Complete a Level II background screening (fingerprinting). Application forms must be obtained from OASIS in 2301 Stone building and the screening is done at Leon County Schools. Cost of the screening and red badge is $95 and is effective for five years.
  • Secure and provide proof of medical insurance (as current FSU policy states).

It is strongly recommended that students purchase professional liability insurance.

Students should submit all clearance documents to Tala Hagan, 2301M Stone building.

Background Clearance

In order to maintain our partnership with the Leon County School district, the proper distribution of Background Clearance forms is important. Background clearance forms can only be obtained from the OASIS office in 2301 Stone.

* To obtain a background clearance form, please email Tala Hagan to set up an appointment.

Students need to bring their FSU ID card to the OASIS office. A member of the OASIS staff will write down the student’s name, last 8 digits of the student ID number and the background clearance form number. The student will then be presented with a form that they will have to complete and takedown to the LCS district office at 2757 West Pensacola St. in Portable 1 (approximately 2 miles down Pensacola Street from Stadium Drive). It is imperative that the student complete each section of the form including social security number and current course. It can take up to two weeks for a background clearance.

Medical Insurance Verification

Although medical insurance is already a University policy, in order to complete a classroom placement, a copy of insurance information must be on file in the OASIS office. You may provide a copy of your medical insurance card to the office or complete the following form and fax it to the office.

Medical Insurance Verification Form

Professional Liability Insurance

The College of Education strongly recommends that students engaged in field experience obtain professional liability insurance. The College does not specifically endorse any particular insurance carrier or insurance policy; however, the following information is provided for your convenience as options you may wish to consider:

  • Forrest T. Jones – For members of professional associations that do not offer professional liability insurance. The insurance is $25.00 per year.
  • Student Florida Education Association (SFEA) – SFEA is a recognized student organization. Annual membership fees are $31.00/year which includes $3,000,000 of professional liability protection for field experience and student teaching. Professional Development, State & National conference and economic member benefits are also included.
  • Professional Educator’s Network of Florida – A non-partisan and not-for-profit organization serving academic professionals. Student membership is $10.00 annually and includes $2,000,000 of professional liability protection.
  • Association of American Educators – An organization founded to advance the teaching profession through personal growth, professional development, teacher support and protection. Student membership is $25.00 annually and includes $2,000,000 of professional liability protection.

Questions? Contact Tala Hagan, Field Placement Coordinator.
