The Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS) is the representative office for the academic dean of the Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. OASIS strives to provide students, staff, and faculty, with the tools and support needed for student success. OASIS serves as the central repository for all student records, monitors required academic milestones, provides academic advising and support for undergraduate students, collaborates with academic departments to provide academic support for graduate students, and serves as the primary liaison between current students and the Office of the Registrar, the Division of Undergraduate Studies, and The Graduate School. OASIS directly manages the undergraduate admission process and provides support to academic departments in the admission of graduate students.

Additionally, OASIS works with educator preparation programs throughout the university to coordinate internship placements and field-based experiences with PK-12 schools and students.

Notice on Graduate Advising - All Programs

Your major professor or academic advisor assigned by your academic department provides advising for graduate students. Please contact your major professor/advisor directly to set up an academic advising appointment.

Anne's College offers the following services for the following programs in three distinct locations across campus, as well as virtual appointments.

Stone Building

  • School of Teacher Education (STE) & Sport Management (SM) Lower Division B.S. Advising
  • School of Teacher Education (STE) & Sport Management (SM) Upper Division B.S. Student Services
  • Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (ELPS), Educational Psychology & Learning Systems (EPLS), and School of Teacher Education (STE) graduate student services
  • Internship and practicum student services

Sandels Building

  • Human Development and Family Science (HDFS) and Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences (HNFS) Lower and Upper Division B.S. advising and student services
  • Human Development and Family Science (HDFS); Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences (HNFS); Sport Management (SM); and Athletic Coaching Graduate Student Services

Tully Gym

  • Sport Management (SM) Upper Division Advising
  • Sport Management (SM) Master's Advising
Stone Building Advising and Student Services

For students in the Stone Building, your advising and student services are located in room 2301 of the Stone Building on the main FSU campus. The office is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Students are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment to meet with an academic advisor, especially during peak registration periods (e.g. first week of the term), when wait times can be long. Our advisors offer both in person and virtual advising.

Advising Appointments

You can schedule advising appointments online using the following links, or call (850) 644-3760:

  • Frank Amidon (Liberal Studies & Prerequisite Advising, Orientation, Preparation for Upper Division, Major Changes into Education):

  • Robert Birken (Liberal Studies & Prerequisite Advising, Orientation, Preparation for Upper Division, Major Changes into Education):

  • Stephen Mozier (Graduation Checks & Degree Clearances, Withdrawals, Course Overload Permission, Summer Residency Requirements Waivers, Oral Communication Competency Requirement Waivers, Upper Division Transfer Credit Evaluation, Undergraduates Taking Graduate Level Courses Permission):

Virtual Walk-In Advising

The Stone Building will have virtual walk-in advising hours from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM each Friday. Zoom link:

Sandels Building Advising and Student Services

For students in the Sandels Building, please visit room 207 of the Sandels Building on the main FSU campus or call (850) 644-5279.

During the semester we offer both in person and virtual advising. However, please be aware that during drop/add week, advising is available as drop-in only throughout the day. 

Advising Appointments

Appointments are available on weekdays from 1:00pm to 4:30pm, both virtually and in person. Students with in-person appointments must sign in at the kiosks located in the lobby of 207 SAN. To make an appointment:

“CC” (Campus Connect) icon

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the “CC” (Campus Connect) icon
  3. Click the blue “Schedule Advising or Tutoring” button.

Once scheduled, FSU Campus Connect will automatically send your FSU email an “Appointment Scheduled” notification and an “Appointment Reminder,” which includes the Zoom meeting room link for virtual appointments.”

Drop-In Advising:

The Sandels building hosts in-person drop-in advising hours from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. weekdays. Please check in on the kiosk in 207 Sandels.

Upper & Lower Division Academic Advising, Academic Progress Checks:

Academic Mapping Coordinator: Amy Sanderson, - transfer admissions, certification to upper division, mapping-major change holds.

Dean's Approval: Lauren Higbee, - degree clearance, withdrawals, overload, waivers, break in residency, etc.

Career Liaison (for all majors in the college): Kaylee Webb, View up-to-date drop-in hours on and make an appointment via Nole Network. 

Tully Gym

Student services can be reach via phone at (850) 644-4881.

For students in Tully Gym, please make an appointment with Dr. Mark DiDonato for Upper Divsion B.S. Advising.

For master's students, please contact Joshua Boze for advising appointments.