Our Research Team provides opportunities for graduate (and undergraduate by approval) students who have interests in research projects related to career development.

The team supports individual as well as collective research projects to inform career theory and practice. The team’s publications and presentations are presented below.

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Current Research Team Members
Research Publications

Current and past graduate student co-authors and presenters are indicated in bold.

Current Research Projects

  • RIASEC preferences and career course interventions
  • Student athletes and career transitions
  • Adolescent career development
  • Career practitioners’ attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Campus climate interventions focused on enhancing career confidence for LBG college students  
  • Navigating Involuntary Career Transitions: The Importance of Dealing with Psychological Factors
  • Contribution of emotions and cognitions on career decision making 
  • Impact of acculturative stress on career decision-making in immigrants 
  • Childhood adversity and career decision-making 
  • Evaluating cognitive restructuring activities
  • Integrating art-based approaches in career practice
  • Acculturation of young Latinos into the workplace 
  • ADHD, Substance Use and Career 
  • Evaluating Emerging Adults’ Perceived Quality of Social Media Based Career Information
  • Utility of a virtual card sort
  • Development and validation of career-related inventories
  • Pre/post comparison of individual career counseling

Refereed Journal Articles

(bolded names are graduate students or ALUMS)


Morgan, M., & Osborn, D. S. (in press). Can a College Career Course Cause Gains in Vocational Identity Achievement? Journal of Career Assessment, 30 pages.

Morgan, M. J., Heu, J., & Osborn, D. S. (2024). Career decision making, career exploration behaviors, and self-regulated learning. Career Development Quarterly, 72(1), 46-62. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12340

Osborn, D. S., Quiroga, S., Tang, E., Sherman, L., Reese, N., Verma, K., & Marks, L. (2024). Social identities and cognitive information processing theory: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Career Development. Manuscript submitted for publication, online first publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/08948453241246723

Osborn, D. S., Stamm, J. M., Kettunen, J., Sampson, J. P., Lerkkanen, J., & Makela, J. (In press). A content analysis of information and communication technology in career development articles from 2009-2022. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Manuscript submitted for publication, 19 pages.

Sides, R., Osborn, D. S., Burbrink, I., Stamm, J., & Villarreal, B. (submitted). Beyond the Game: Exploring the Interplay of Negative Career Thoughts, Career Adaptability, and Athletic Identity in Shaping Post-Graduation Paths for Student Athletes. Journal of Postsecondary Student Success. Manuscript submitted for publication, 35 pages.


Nsubuga, H., Osborn, D. S., & Brookens, Q. S. (2023). Meeting Ugandan University Students' Career Needs Using Cognitive Information Processing Model. Career Development Quarterly. 71(3), 238-250. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12329


Kronholz, J., & Osborn, D. S. (2022). Dysfunctional career thoughts, interest profile elevation, and RIASEC skills of career counseling clients. Journal of Employment Counseling, 59(2), 52-63. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/joec.12178


Brookens, Q. S., Verma, K., & Orijoke, O. (2021). Career development a solution for urbanization sustainability: An examination of career development in low-income and low-middle income countries through the CIP theory. Career Planning & Adult Development Journal, 37(2),184-194.

Hayden, S. C. W., Osborn, D. S., Peace, C., & Lange, R. (2021). Enhancing agency in career development via cognitive information processing theory. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 49(1), 1-29. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2020.1867703

Osborn, D. S., Brown, C., & Morgan, M. (2021). Expectations, experiences and career-related outcomes of computer-assisted career guidance systems. Journal of Employment Counseling, 58(2), 74-90. Retrieved from https://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu:811982 doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/joec.12158


Garis, J. W., Peace, C. S., & Milligan, J. A. (2020). Applications of cognitive information processing theory in the Philippines. Career Planning Adult Development Journal, 35(4), 66-81.

Morgan, M. J., Jr., Wilkinson, R. T., & Osborn, D. (2020). Barriers to computerized career interventions in community outreach centers. Journal of Employment Counseling, 57(2), 85-96. doi:10.1002/joec.12139

Nsubguga, H., & Ivins, T. (2020). Case study: Application of CIP theory at Makerere University. Career Planning Adult Development Journal, 35(4), 97-108.

Osborn, D. S., Brown, C., & Morgan, M. (in press). Expectations, experiences and career-related outcomes of computer-assisted career guidance systems. Journal of Employment Counseling, 27 pages.

Osborn, D. S., Hayden, S. C. W., & Brown, C. (2020). Cognitive Information Processing Theory:  International Applications. Career Planning Adult Development Journal, 35(4), 4-16. Retrieved from https://files.constantcontact.com/56f4bf3f301/4f571e70-512d-4e69-a6fe-a58e31f179a0.pdf

Osborn, D., Sides, R. D., & Brown, C. B. (2020). Comparing career development outcomes for undergraduate CIP-based courses versus human relations courses. Career Development Quarterly, 68, 32-47. doi:10.1002/cdq.12211; http://purl.flvc.org/fsu/fd/FSU_libsubv1_scholarship_submission_1556414861_35981ada


Dozier, V. C., Osborn, D. S., Kronholz, J., Peterson, G. W., & Reardon, R. C. (2019). The effect of an online Self-Directed Search on the career decision state. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 18(2), 48-62. Retrieved from http://cjcdonline.ca/download/the-effects-of-the-online-self-directed-search-on-the-career-decision-state/; http://purl.flvc.org/fsu/fd/FSU_libsubv1_scholarship_submission_1601473930_b90c9759

Finklea, J. T., & Osborn, D. (2019). Understanding relationships between commitment anxiety and career tension. Journal of Employment Counseling, 56, 117-126. doi:10.1002/joec.12126

Osborn, D., & Belle, J. G. (2019). Preparing juvenile offenders for college and career readiness: A cognitive information processing approach. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 28(3), 283-313. Retrieved from http://purl.flvc.org/fsu/fd/FSU_libsubv1_scholarship_submission_1601470794_6a4d20f2 doi:10.1080/10474412.2018.14


Dozier, V. C., & Osborn, D. (2018). Cognitive information processing theory: Applications in research and practice. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counseling41, 39-48.

Hou, P. C., Osborn, D. S., & Sampson, J. P. (2018). Predicting the Vocational Identity of International and Domestic College Students. Career Development Quarterly66, 344-357. Retrieved from http://purl.flvc.org/fsu/fd/FSU_libsubv1_scholarship_submission_1545150345_1a5bdb0d; doi:10.1002/cdq.12155

Miller, A., Osborn, D., Sampson, J. P., Peterson, G. W., & Reardon, R. C. (2018). The impact of a college career course on students' career decision state. Career Development Quarterly66, 344-357. doi:10.1002/cdq.12157

Osborn, D., Murphy, D., Burbrink, I., & Hoover, M. (2018). Florida State University Career Center. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal: Special Issue, Effective Practices in College and University Career Services34(2), 7-19.

Sampson J. P., Jr., Osborn, D., Kettunen, J., Hou, P-C., Miller, A. K., & Makela, J. P. (2018). The validity of socially-constructed career information. Career Development Quarterly66 (2), 121-134. doi:10.1002/cdq.12127; http://purl.flvc.org/fsu/fd/FSU_libsubv1_scholarship_submission_1521225668_d3959a6c


Kronholz, J., & Osborn, D. (2016). The impact of study abroad on vocational identity among college students. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 27, 70-84.

Osborn, D., Belle, J.Gonzalez, A., & McCain, S. (2016). Linking Career and Mental Health Concerns Through Technology. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal32, 151-160. Retrieved from http://fsu.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fsu%3A543800

Osborn, D., Miller, A.McCain, S., & Belle, J. G. (2016). Using Social Media for Personal Online Reputation Management. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal32 (2), 136-145. Retrieved from http://fsu.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fsu%3A543792


Osborn, D., Finklea, J. T., & Belle, J. G. (2015). Integrating Assessments into the Career Decision-Making Conversation. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 30 (4), 144-155.


Osborn, D., Kronholz, J. F.Finklea, J. T., & Cantonis, A. M. (2014). Technology-Savvy Career Counselling. Canadian Psychology55 (4), 258-265. doi:10.1037/a0038160

Book Chapters

Osborn, D. S., Carr, D., Sides, R., McClain, M. C., Lumsden, J., & Sampson, J. P. (2019). Computer-assisted career assessment. In Kevin B. Stoltz  Susan R. Barclay (Ed.), A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment (pp. 339-346). National Career Development Association.

Osborn, D. S., Kronholz, J. F., & Finklea, J. T. (2015). Card Sorts. In M. McMahon, & M. Watson (Eds.), Career Assessment: Qualitative Approaches (pp. 81-88). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.sensepublishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/career-development-series/career-assessment/

Yoon, E., Morgan, M. J., & May, V. (2021). Preparing LGBTQ+ Students for Postsecondary Transitions Through Career Development. In E. Hines & L. Owens (Eds.), Equity-Based Career Development and Postsecondary Transitions: An American Imperative. Information Age Publishing.

Non-refereed Articles

Quiroga, S., Feliciano, A., & Belle, J. (2024). Review of work-life balance assessment: Career priorities, personal priorities. In Kevin B. Stoltz, & Susan R. Barclay (Eds.), The Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment (8th Ed.). National Career Development Association.

Osborn, D., McCain, S., & Miller, A. (2016). Careers & Mental Health. Career Developments, Fall, 6-10.

Peace, C., Osborn, D. S. (2020). Our Lives with A Theory: Reflections on John Holland's New Autobiography. Career Convergence. National Career Development Association.

Guest Editors

McCain, S., & Beard, Z. (2017). Why we work.  [Special Edition]. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 33.

Conference Presentations


Osborn, D. S., & Stamm, J. (2024). Decoding the Digital Frontier: Information/Communication Technology Trends within Career Development Articles (2009-2022). Poster presentation at Annual Conference, Florida Career Development Association, Orlando. (State)

Stamm, J., Quiroga, S., Feliciano, A., & Osborn, D. S. (2024). What is the Impact of a College Career Course on Career Development Outcomes? Presentation to be given at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association. (National)


Brookens, Q. (2023). Emerging adults’ perceived quality of social media-based career information. SSEA 2023 Conference on Emerging Adulthood. (National)

Brookens, Q., & Nsubuga, H. (2023). Meeting Ugandan university students' career needs using cognitive information processing model. Presentation to be given at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association. (National)

Brookens, Q., & Nnaji, K. (2023). Emerging adults’ perceived quality of social media-based career information. Presentation to be given at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association. (National)

Feliciano, A. (2023). Career counseling for Latinos: Addressing self-efficacy, family, and mentors. International Conference of Community, Innovation, and Educational Research (ICCIER conference, South Korea). (International)

Nnaji, K., & Belle, J. (2023). Navigating unique challenges: Career development for individuals with disabilities. International Conference of Community, Innovation, and Educational Research (ICCIER conference, South Korea). (International)

Osborn, D. S. (2023). Theory and practice of career counseling for vulnerable youth. International Conference of Community, Innovation, and Educational Research (ICCIER conference, South Korea). (International)

Quiroga, S., & Stamm, J. (2023). Social identity and career decision-making through the lens of CIP theory. Presentation to be given at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association. (National)

Stamm, J., & Bucher, J. (2023). Empowering vulnerable youth: Evidence-based strategies for addressing underemployment in American and Korean societies.  International Conference of Community, Innovation, and Educational Research (ICCIER conference, South Korea). (International)


Hyatt, T., Dozier, C., Brookens, Q., & Peace, C. (2022). Career counseling in today's global world: Intersectionality of career counseling, social justice, and advocacy. Roundtable Presentation at the National Career Development (NCDA) Global Conference.

Panke Makela, J., Villarreal, B., & Jerez, J. (2022). Writing effective personal statements: Improving practice with rubrics. Presentation at the National Career Development (NCDA) Global Conference.

Peace, C. (2022). Predicting negative career thoughts in college students using the Self-Directed Search: An original study. Roundtable Presentation at the National Career Development (NCDA) Global Conference.

Peace, C., & Reardon, R. (2022, June). A RIASEC view of employment data from the U.S. Census (1960-2020). Roundtable Presentation at the National Career Development (NCDA) Global Conference.

Stamm, J., & Osborn, D. S. (2022). Relationship between verbal/physical abuse and intention to resign in high school sports officials. Presentation to be given at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association. (National)

Villarreal, B., Stamm, J., & Jerez, J. (2022). Thinking outside the books: An updated look at career texts and courses. Roundtable Presentation at the National Career Development (NCDA) Global Conference.


Lenz, J., Sampson, J., Villarreal, D. (2021). Connecting career theory & critical ingredients in delivering career interventions for diverse client needs. National Career Development Association, Atlanta, Ga. (National)

Makela, J. P., Villarreal, D. (2021). Writing Effective Personal Statements: Improving Practice with Rubrics. National Career Development Association, Atlanta, Ga. (National)

Makela, J. P., Brookens, Q. S., & Yi, J. (2021). Engaging in equity-minded program assessment in career services. National Career Development Association, Atlanta, GA. ( National)

Montalvo, B., Osborn, D. S., & Peace, C. (2021). My Life With a Theory: A conversation about John Holland's autobiography. Presentation at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Virtual. (National)

Morgan, M. J., Osborn, D. S. (2021). The COMS: An exciting new assessment of metacognition. National Career Development Association, Atlanta, Ga. (National)

Peace, C., Osborn, D. S., & Burbrink, I. (2021). Person-Environment Friendly Career Counseling: Differentiating Approach and Intervention by RIASEC Type. Presentation at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Venable, M., Osborn, D. S. (2021). Engage and inspire! Tips and tricks that take your online classes to the next level. National Career Development Association, Atlanta, Ga. (National)

Verma, K., Marks, L., Osborn, D. S. (2021). Applying psychology of working theory (PWT) constructs to career counseling with undergraduate students. National Career Development Association, Atlanta, Ga. (National)


Peterson, G. W., Osborn, D. S., & Ivins, T. (accepted, but canceled due to COVID-19). Philosophy, Theory, and Experience of the Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS). Presentation to be given at the National Career Development Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Peace, C., & Burbrink, I. (2020). College Career Course Outcome Research and Recommendations.  Presentation given at the National Career Development Association, virtual conference.

Peace, C., & Osborn, D. S., & Burbrink, I.  (2020). Person-Environment Friendly Career Counseling: Differentiating Approach and Intervention by RIASEC Type.  Presentation given at the National Career Development Association, virtual conference.


Brown, C., & Miller, M. (2019). Making Sense of Career Concerns through Integration of Cognitive Information Processing and other Career Theories. Roundtable presentation to be given at National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Dozier, V. C., Lenz, J., Murphy, D. H., & Peace, C. (2019). Effective career course interventions to navigate lifelong career decisions. Roundtable presentation to be given at National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Hayden, S. C., & Osborn, D. (2019). Integrating Emotions and Thoughts in Career Services via Cognitive Information Processing Theory. Presentation to be given at the National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Morgan, M.J., & Seybold, M. (2019). How to help when they’re hopeless: Career-counseling with suicidal clients. Roundtable presentation to be given at the 2019 Annual Conference of the National Career Development Association. Houston, TX. (National)

Osborn, D., Brown, C., & Morgan, M. (2019). Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems: Student Expectations, Experiences, and Career-Related Outcomes. Presentation to be given at the National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Venable, M., & Osborn, D. (2019). Share and Share Alike: Peer-Recommended Tech Tools that Bridge the Distance in Career Development. Presentation to be given at the National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Sides, R., & Brown C. (2019). May the course be with you. Utilizing career education to guide undergraduates through obstacles. Roundtable presentation to be given at National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)

Sides, R., & Peace C. (2019). Home field advantage: Emphasizing cultural strengths in student-athletes. Roundtable presentation to be given at National Career Development Association, Houston, TX. (National)


Belle, J., & Burbrink, I. (2018). Integrating CIP theory and career services with collegiate student-athletes. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.

Dozier, V. C., Lenz, J. G., Sampson, J. S., Jr. & Murphy, D. H. (2018). Effective Strategies for Integrating Theory, Research, & Practice: 30-Years of Successful Collaboration. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.

Jones, N., & Gagnon, S. (2018). Integrating Cognitive Information Processing theory with high school students. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.

Miller, A. K. , & Konen, M. (2018). School’s in Session: The effectiveness of a CIP-Based Career Course. ROUNDTABLE. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.

Murphy, D. H., & Miller, A. K. (2018). Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice through Collaborative Motivational Interviewing (MI). NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.

Peterson, G. W., Osborn, D., & Brown, C. (2018). Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS): A Theory-based Approach. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona

Sides, R. (2018). Man up! Male athletes' stigma towards career development. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.

Stallings, E., & Brown, C. (2018). Career thoughts and first-year college students: Effects of the career counseling working alliance and CIP elements. NCDA Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Arizona.


Dieujuste, M., Freeman, V. F., Nelson, B., & Beard, Z. (2017, June). Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering an Inclusive Environment in the Workplace. Roundtable presentation at the National Career Development Association Global Conference, Orlando, FL.

Dozier, C., Osborn, D., Sibbet, L., McCain, S., & Sides, R. (presented 2017, June). Theory in Action: Join us for a live demonstration of Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Theory. Presentation at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Orlando, FL. (National)

Hou, P.C. & Harshner, J. (2017, June). Improving vocational identity of domestic and international college students. Roundtable Presentation at the National Career Development Association Global Conference, Orlando, FL.

Sides, R., & Miller. A. (2017, June). Becoming positive after not making the cut: Cultural considerations when advising professional baseball athletes. Roundtable presentation at the National Career Development Association Global Conference, Orlando


Dozier, V. C., Osborn, D. S., & Kronholz, J. (presented 2016, May). The impact of a counselor-free intervention using the Self-Directed Search. 2016 Biennial Conference, Society for Vocational Psychology, Tallahassee, FL. (National)

Osborn, D., Belle, J., & McCain, S. (presented 2016, March). Career Development and Mental Health. 2016 Annual Conference, American Counseling Association, Montreal, CA. (National)

Sampson, J. P., Osborn, D., Kettunen, J., Hou, P. C., & Miller, A. K. (presented 2016, July). The validity of socially constructed career information. Presentation at Annual Conference, National Career Development Association, Chicago, IL. (National)


Cantonis, A., Kronholz, J., Osborn, D. S., Finklea, T., & Belle, J. (presented 2015, March). Discover Your APPtitude: Exploring New Technologies to Enhance Counseling Services. Poster presentation at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, American Counseling Association, Orlando, FL. (National)

Kronholz, J. F., Pawley, E. K., & Hou, P.C. (presented 2015, June).  Celebrating success through creative career counseling.  Presentation at the National Career Development Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.  (National)

Osborn, D. S., Finklea, J. T., Kronholz, J. F., & Cantonis, A. M. (presented 2014, March). Tech Savvy Career Counseling. Presentation at American Counseling Association 2014 Annual Conference, American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI. (National)


Dr. Deb Osborn
Dr. Casey Dozier
Florida State University College of Education
Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
3210 Stone Building
1114 West Call Street
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4301

Participate in Our Research

Our lab has many ongoing research projects. Each are either approved by FSU’s IRB or have informed consent waived. If you have questions about any research on this page, please email Dr. Osborn.

Virtual Card Sort

Who can participate: Open to all

What is required: Sort 36 cards with occupational titles into “would choose, might choose, and would not choose” categories.

What you can gain: Users receive a summary report and suggested next steps.