April 2022 Student News

April 21, 2022

Thomas GCaviedesThomas Gretton (left) and Gabriela Caviedes (right), doctoral students in Sport Psychology, recently worked together with Dr. Megan Buning, Dr. David Eccles, and alumna Kristen Weber on a new publication entitled "The Transition of an Applied Sport Psychology Training Program at a US University from a Face-to-face to a Virtual Mode: An Autoethnographic Case Study"

April 13, 2022

Michael J MorganMichael J Morgan, Jr., a Ph.D. candidate in counseling psychology, recently published "Preparing LGBTQ+ students for postsecondary transitions through career development" as the second author. The published book chapter is part of "Equity-Based Career Development and Postsecondary Transitions: An American Imperative" by Dr. Erik Hines and Laura Owens.




April 11, 2022

DeviesBrittany Devies, Ph.D. candidate in Higher Education, recently published "What Mission Statements Say: Signaling the Priority of Leadership Development" with Dr. Kathy Guthrie in the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies.