Getting involved in a student organization is a great way to make the most of your time at Florida State University. Check out the organizations housed right here in the Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences!
- Applied Sport Psychology (ASP)
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
- Council of Teachers of English
- Exercise Physiology Student Association
- Flavor Society
- Florida Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Foreign and Second Language Education
- Higher Ed Student Association (HESA)
- Human Development and Family Science Club
- Instructional Systems Student Association (ISSA)
- Iota Tau Alpha (ITA) Athletic Training Honor Society
- Kappa Delta Pi Alpha Delta Chapter at FSU
- Make Medicine Human
- Orthopedics and Athletic Medicine Club
- School of Teacher Education Graduate Student Association (STEGSA)
- Sport Management Student Organization (SMSA)
- Sport Psychology Organization and Research Team (SPORT)
- Student Affiliates in School Psychology (SASP)
- Student Athletic Training Association (SATA)
- Student Dietetic Association
- Student Florida Education Association
- Leadership, Education, Activism, & Research Network (LEARN)
- We Take Education and Content Higher at FSU (WeTEACH@FSU)
- Women In Sports Association (WISA)
To learn more about other student organizations on campus, visit