Program Overview

Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology

Exercise physiology is ideal for students interested in the science of exercise and nutrition, and its impact on the body. The program includes extensive coursework in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, exercise physiology, and metabolism.

FSU was the first university in the nation to offer an innovative curriculum that combined nutrition and exercise physiology. The degree prepares students for graduate studies in exercise physiology and post-graduate training programs in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, chiropractic, physician assistant, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.

Students are also prepared for positions as personal trainers and health fitness instructors with hospital-based and corporate fitness programs. Upon graduating, students may be eligible for certification in programs offered through the American College of Sports Medicine.

Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathway (B.S./M.S.)

Our exercise physiology programs are cutting-edge and fully prepare students to pursue a wide variety of health-related careers. We offer courses that provide a firm foundation in essential scientific methods, technical knowledge, and practical skills.

FSU’s combined bachelor’s/master’s pathways provide academically talented undergraduate students an opportunity to complete both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree.

The exercise physiology combined pathway allows for 11 graduate hours to be shared with, or double-counted toward, an undergraduate degree program. A student enrolled in the pathway will earn the baccalaureate degree upon completion of the undergraduate program and master’s degree upon completion of the pathway.

Only current undergraduate students majoring in exercise physiology at FSU may apply to the combined bachelor’s/master’s pathway.

Admission Requirements

Bachelor's Degree

Students must complete at least 52 hours of credit with a minimum grade point average of 2.00 and at least half the required General Education hours, including English composition and mathematics, or an A.A. Degree. As a prerequisite for entry into each undergraduate major in the department, students must achieve a grade of B-minus or higher in HUN 1201.

Students must complete the following courses in preparation for upper-division coursework in the major. All of the following may also apply toward General Education and/or major coursework. (See section on “Grades and Continuation Requirements.”)

Course # Hours Name
MAC 1105 3 College Algebra
MAC X114 2 Analytic Trigonometry
or approved alternative
MAC X140 3 Pre-calculus Algebra
or approved alternative
HUN X201 3 The Science of Nutrition (“B minus” or higher required)
CHM X045, X045L 4 (3+1) General Chemistry I (and lab)
CHM X046, X046L 4 (3+1) General Chemistry II (and lab)
BSC X010, X010L 4 (3+1) Biological Science I (and lab)
PSY X012 3 General Psychology

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of

Combined B.s./M.s.


Spring Semester - October 1

This pathway only admits in the spring semester. Only current FSU undergraduate students majoring in Exercise Physiology may apply to the combined pathway.  All application materials must be received by the deadline posted and only complete applications will be reviewed.

Please note that admissions are not deferred.

Admission Requirements

  1. Must be currently enrolled at Florida State University (FSU) as an undergraduate student in the exercise physiology major with 90 credit hours; transfer students should have completed 24 credit hours at FSU.
  2. An upper-division undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Prerequisites must be completed before you enter the program; applicants that have not completed all prerequisites, as per transcripts submitted (or cannot prove that he/she will complete the courses prior to the start of the graduate program), will be denied admission. Please see individual program prerequisite courses in the appropriate tab.
  4. The GRE general test requirement is waived for MS applicants to our departmental programs through the fall 2026 admission cycle. Master’s applicants may choose to take the Graduate Record Examination General Test (GRE) and submit scores. We recommend a score of above the 50th percentile (approximately 150) in both verbal and quantitative sections with a 4.0 or higher on the writing section. Please note that it can take up to ten (10) days after sitting for the GRE for an official score report to be sent to the university.
  5. International students: Applicants must submit an English Proficiency Score Report.  A TOEFL iBT score of at least 80 (iBT) or 550 (paper-delivered) or an IELTSTM Academic score of at least 6.5 is required. Our department does not accept other English proficiency examinations.
  6. Before submitting the application, confirm your eligibility with the college’s mapping coordinator.

Attainment of these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Admission decisions are based on assessments of all aspects of the student’s application materials. The department reserves the right to increase standards if warranted by enrollment limitations and by the number and quality of applicants.

Note: Bypass to the Ph.D. degree is not allowed for students enrolled in the combined pathway.


The required prerequisite undergraduate courses, and the associated minimum grades to be earned, for consideration to the BS/MS Pathway in Exercise Physiology are:

  • APK 3110C – Exercise Physiology with lab included (4hrs), B
  • PET 3322 – Anatomy and Physiology I (3hrs), B
  • PET 3322L – Anatomy and Physiology I Lab (1hr), B
  • HUN 3224 – Metabolism of Nutrients I (3hrs), B
  • HUN 1201 – Science of Nutrition (3hrs), B
  • CHM 1045 – Chemistry I (3hrs), C+
  • CHM 1045L – Chemistry I Lab (1hr), C+

Prerequisites must be completed before you enroll in the pathway; applicants that have not completed all prerequisites as per transcripts submitted (or cannot prove that he/she will complete the courses prior to the spring semester) will be denied admission.

Attainment of these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Admission decisions are based on assessments of all aspects of the student’s application materials. The department reserves the right to increase standards if warranted by enrollment limitations and by the number and quality of applicants.

Course/Degree Requirements

Bachelor's Degree

Students must complete at least 52 hours of credit with a minimum grade point average of 2.00 and at least half the required General Education hours, including English composition and mathematics, or an A.A. Degree. As a prerequisite for entry into each undergraduate major in the department, students must achieve a grade of B-minus or higher in HUN 1201.

Students must complete the following courses in preparation for upper-division coursework in the major. All of the following may also apply toward General Education and/or major coursework. (See section on “Grades and Continuation Requirements.”)

Course # Hours Name
MAC 1105 3 College Algebra
MAC X114 2 Analytic Trigonometry
or approved alternative
MAC X140 3 Pre-calculus Algebra
or approved alternative
HUN X201 3 The Science of Nutrition (“B minus” or higher required)
CHM X045, X045L 4 (3+1) General Chemistry I (and lab)
CHM X046, X046L 4 (3+1) General Chemistry II (and lab)
BSC X010, X010L 4 (3+1) Biological Science I (and lab)
PSY X012 3 General Psychology

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of

In order to graduate and/or continue with a major in Exercise Physiology, students must earn these required final grades in the following courses:

Grades and Continuation Requirements
Students are only allowed a single repeat in just one of the following courses.
(any attempt, at any institution)
“B minus” (or higher) HUN 1201
“C minus” (or higher) MAC 1105
MAC 1114
MAC 1140
BSC 2010
BSC 2010L
BSC 2011
CHM 1045
CHM 1045L
CHM 1046
CHM 1046L
Either CHM 2210 or CHM 2220
PSY 2012
STA 2122
“S” (Satisfactory) PET 3102

A grade of “C minus“ (or higher) is required in all other coursework required for the major.

Combined B.S./M.S.

The required prerequisite undergraduate courses, and the associated minimum grades to be earned, for consideration to the BS/MS Pathway in Exercise Physiology are:

  • APK 3110C – Exercise Physiology with lab included (4hrs), B
  • PET 3322 – Anatomy and Physiology I (3hrs), B
  • PET 3322L – Anatomy and Physiology I Lab (1hr), B
  • HUN 3224 – Metabolism of Nutrients I (3hrs), B
  • HUN 1201 – Science of Nutrition (3hrs), B
  • CHM 1045 – Chemistry I (3hrs), C+
  • CHM 1045L – Chemistry I Lab (1hr), C+

Prerequisites must be completed before you enroll in the pathway; applicants that have not completed all prerequisites as per transcripts submitted (or cannot prove that he/she will complete the courses prior to the spring semester) will be denied admission.

Attainment of these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Admission decisions are based on assessments of all aspects of the student’s application materials. The department reserves the right to increase standards if warranted by enrollment limitations and by the number and quality of applicants.

B.S./M.S. Shared Credits

Graduate Course Enrollment
11 graduate credit hours will double-count toward the bachelor’s degree. The following courses are taken during the last semester (spring only) of the undergraduate program:

Graduate Course Course # Undergrad Requirement Met Credit Hrs
Cardiorespiratory Evaluation PET5553 PET4551 3
Physical Dimensions of Aging PET5077 PET4076 4
Seminar PET5930 General Elective 1
Select one of the following: Sports Fitness Testing OR Exercise and Disease PET5751 OR
Departmental Elective 3

Note: Students that have already completed any of the undergraduate requirements listed in the table above (third column) are ineligible for the pathway.

Bachelor's Degree Minimum Program Requirements (Summary)
Minimum Program Requirements (Summary)
Min. Hours Required 120
General Education 36*
Prerequisites 0 (beyond general ed. & major coursework)
Major Coursework 82*
Minor Coursework 0
Computer Skills 0 (beyond the major)
CGS 2060 (3) or BSC 2010L (1)
Oral Competency 0 – 3
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met through with an approved college-level course; SPC 1017 suggested.
Electives to bring total hours to 120 (min. of 9 hours)
Electives to meet the graduation requirement of 120 hours; at least ten hours must be at the 3000-4000 level.

*Note: MAC 1105 (3), STA 2122 (3) and PSY 2012 (3) General Psychology should be taken as part of General Education requirements. Other courses required for this major may also be used to satisfy General Education requirements

Bachelor's Degree Program of Study
82 Total Hours
Anne's College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Core (3 hours)
XXX XXXX 3 Additional Course
(any course offered by the Anne's College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences that is not required for this major)
Department/Major Requirements (25 hours)
HUN 1201 3 Science of Nutrition (B minus or higher required)
HUN 3224 3 Intermediary Metabolism of Nutrients I
HUN 3226 3 Intermediary Metabolism of Nutrients II
PET 3102 1 Introduction to Exercise Science (“S” grade required)
PET 3322, 3322L 4 (3,1) Functional Anatomy and Physiology I (C+ or higher required in each)
PET 3323C 4 Functional Anatomy and Physiology II
APK 3110C 4 Applied Exercise Physiology
PET 4551C 3 Exercise Testing and Prescription
Required Electives (Select 3 of the following, 9 hours minimum)
HSC 4711 3 Wellness and Risk Reduction
PET 3361 3 Nutrition and Sport
APK 4400 3 Sport Psychology
APK 3164 3 Eating Disorders and Body Image
PET 3932 3 Physical Activity and Health
ATR 3102 3 Athletic Training (for non-majors)
PET 3932r 3 Special Topics – Exercise and Disease
APK 3113 3 Strength and Conditioning
PET 4076 4 Physical Dimensions of Aging
Required Coursework Outside of Department/College (42 hours)
MAC 1114 2 MAC 1114 (2) Analytic Trigonometry
MAC 1140 3 Pre-calculus Algebra
STA 2122 3 Introduction to Applied Statistics
or STA 2023
PSY 2012 3 General Psychology
CHM 1045, 1045L 4 (3,1) General Chemistry I and Lab
CHM 1046, 1046L 4 (3,1) General Chemistry II and Lab
PET 3932r 3 Special Topics – Exercise and Disease
APK 3113 3 Strength and Conditioning
PET 4076 4 Physical Dimensions of Aging
CHM 3217 4 (3,1) Survey of Organic Chemistry
or all of: CHM 2210 (3) and CHM 2211, CHM 2211L (3,1) – Organic I, II + Lab
BCH 3023, 3023L 4 (3,1) Survey of Biochemistry and Lab
or BCH 4624 (3) – Human Biochemistry
BSC 2010, 2010L 4 (3,1) Biological Sciences I and Lab
BSC 2011, 2011L 4 (3,1) BSC 2011, 2011L (3, 2) Biological Sciences II and Lab
PHY 2053C 4 College Physics A w/ Lab
PHY 2054C 4 College Physics B w/ Lab
B.S./M.S. Application Process

Combined B.S./M.S. Application Process

All items below must be on file, and the fee paid, before an application is considered complete and ready for review. We encourage you to submit and complete your application before August. The graduate admissions committee reviews completed applications throughout the open application period, which allows you to receive an admissions decision more quickly.

  1. Apply online to the master’s program (M.S., Exercise Physiology), submit the admissions application and pay the application fee.
  2. Once you have submitted your application:
    • Upload a Statement of Purpose outlining your research interests and career goals. We want to know how your background and prior training make you the right candidate and why Florida State University is a good fit for you.  You must clearly state that you wish to be considered for the combined bachelor’s/master’s pathway. If you have an interest in research, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the research conducted by our Exercise Physiology faculty and indicate your top choices of faculty members with whom you would like to work.
    • Upload a resume or vita (information should be current).
    • Submit contact information for two recommenders. The recommenders should be professionals you have worked with who are familiar with your academic performance and can speak directly about your qualification for this degree. Please list a work/business email address for each recommender. Academic recommendations are preferred, but relevant professional recommendations will be accepted. No personal recommendations or letters from peers will be accepted.
  3. The GRE general test requirement is waived for MS applicants to the Exercise Physiology BS/MS pathway through the spring 2026 admission cycle.  Applicants may choose to submit GRE test scores to the FSU Office of Graduate Admissions. The school reporting code for test scores is 5219; no department code is required.
  4. International Students: Submit an English Proficiency Score Report:
    • TOEFL test scores electronically from to the FSU Office of Graduate Admissions. The university’s reporting code for test scores is 5219; no department code is required.
    • IELTS Academic test scores in physical (paper) form directly from to the FSU Office of Graduate Admissions at:

Florida State University
Office of Graduate Admissions
222 S. Copeland St. , 314 Westcott Bldg.
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1410

  1. Florida State University transcripts and any other transcripts previously submitted to FSU are already available to our review committee; you do not need to upload transcripts.  However, if you previously attended a non-U.S. institution and have not already submitted a credential evaluation through a NACES-approved company, you will be required to do so.  For more information, please see the "Transcript Requirement" section on the Graduate School website,

Please allow the Office of Admissions time to process your incoming materials.


To find out if you’re eligible to apply:

Office of Academic Services and Intern Support

For questions about the application process:

Office of Academic Services and Intern Support - HNFS Grad Admissions