Dr. Beth M. Phillips

Professor / MS Program Coordinator
Dr. Beth M. Phillips
3204C Stone Building
Learning and Cognition

Dr. Beth M. Phillips is a Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems at the College of Education at Florida State University and a faculty associate of the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR).

Her current research interests include early language and literacy development, preschool curriculum and instruction, professional development of early childhood educators, and parental influences on learning. She has been the principal investigator or co-investigator on numerous research grants funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), and by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, including multiple projects focused on developing and evaluating whole class and small group instruction and interventions for preschool and elementary grade children. Other recent and ongoing grant-funded projects include an in-depth exploration of preschool teacher knowledge and practice related to supporting children’s language development and a longitudinal project investigating early language and literacy growth in toddlers and preschoolers at high risk for language and reading disabilities. In addition, Dr. Phillips is an investigator on numerous research and professional development projects associated with the Southeast Regional Education Lab at FSU.

Dr. Phillips has authored and co-authored many articles for academic journals such as Journal of Educational Psychology, Child Development, Scientific Studies of Reading, and Early Childhood Research Quarterly

As a Professor at FSU, she primarily teaches Methods in Educational Research and seminars on Family Involvement in Education and Critical Thinking and Writing.

She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from FSU in 2003.