Christine Huang

Senior Grants Specialist
Christine Huang
Office of Research

As a Grants Specialist in the Office of Research at Anne's College, Christine provides post-award services to the faculty members. While she is specifically assigned to the School of Teacher Education, she provides support to a multitude of PIs across the College as she has exceptional expertise in post award management. Christine is specialized in grants reports, travel, and procurement services. Prior to her position in Anne's College, she was a Program Coordinator in the Nuclear Group of the Physics Department at FSU.

Christine received her bachelor’s degree in English Education from Hangzhou University and is currently a part-time graduate student in the TESOL program at Anne's College. Before settling down in Tallahassee, she lived in upstate New York and in the Midwest.  Christine enjoys singing in her church choir, reading biographies, and hiking in the Southwood and Greenway trails. She is a mom of three boys, who keep her busy all the time.