September 21, 2021
Alysia Roehrig, professor of educational psychology: learning and cognition, was a panelist on the American Psychological Association's webinar "Careers in Applied Psychology: Educational Psychology." The webinar covers an overview of the field of educational psychology as well as career opportunities in a variety of contexts.
September 18, 2021
Stacey Rutledge, associate professor of educational leadership and policy, was recognized by the American Journal of Education as an outstanding reviewer. Out of 129 scholars and researchers who reviewed for AJE last year, Rutledge was among the top ten percent who returned multiple, on-time reviews.
September 17, 2021
Lyndsay Jenkins, associate professor of school psychology, was selected as a fellow for 2021-2022 in the inaugural Faculty Fellows program, a joint project between the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement and the Office of Research. The aims to 1) use faculty members’ knowledge and expertise to create programs, policies and initiatives to increase and support faculty success and research efforts and 2) to increase the pipeline of faculty members to leadership positions by providing opportunities to partner with university leaders on specific initiatives.
For her fellowship project, Jenkins will build a coordinated, comprehensive mentoring program that blends faculty support activities with mentoring. The program will be focused on three major facets of faculty life: teaching and student mentoring, research and funding, and work-life balance. Participating faculty would be required to complete development activities in each category (teaching, research, and work-life balance), as well as have regular meetings with a mentor over a minimum two-year period. Combining development activities with mentoring takes advantage of the existing support offered by FSU, but adds the important aspect of mentoring.
September 16. 2021
Erik Hines, associate professor of school counseling, was a guest editor on a special issue in the journal Professional School Counseling: Males of Color and School Counseling. This special issue includes articles that focus on the experiences of males of color in educational settings and the importance of school counselors in helping them to thrive.
September 15, 2021
Shouping Hu, Louis W. and Elizabeth N. Bender Endowed Professor of Higher Education and director of the Center for Postsecondary Success, is the founding editor of the new Journal of Postsecondary Student Success, a quarterly, open-access, interdisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed research, editorials and practitioner reports related to student success in higher education. Learn more about the journal here.
September 2, 2021
A theory proposed by Jeffrey James, Mode L. Stone Distinguished Professor of Sport Management, and Daniel Funk was cited in an article in Psychology Today titled, "Why Are the Loyal Fans of 'Jeopardy!' So Mad?" The article mentions the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM), in which "people go through a series of stages in their development of loyalty to an activity, brand, or organization. This loyalty can range from participation in sports and other leisure activities to identification with a spokesperson for a brand..."
Shaofeng Li, associate professor of foreign and second language education, has guest-edited a thematic issue of Studies in Second Language Acquisition, a top journal in language education and applied linguistics. The topic of the special issue is implicit language aptitude, which refers to cognitive abilities for unconscious language learning. This is a new, cutting-edge topic that has recently emerged in second language research. The notion of implicit language aptitude challenges traditional approaches to language learning where learning is conceptualized as primarily a process that requires effortful, conscious information processing.
Kathy Guthrie, associate professor of higher education, and Vivechkanand Chunoo (higher education Ph.D. '18), are co-editors on, "Shifting the Mindset: Socially Just Leadership Education." The book, which highlights contemporary perspectives on socially just leadership education, features 16 alumni and current students/faculty from FSU's higher education program.
Guthrie and Chunoo, along with Cameron Beatty, assistant professor of higher education, are also co-hosting the NASPA Student Leadership Program Knowledge Community podcast. This season focuses on socially just and culturally relevant leadership education.