February 2022 Faculty News

February 25, 2022

Dr Jones headshotBook coverDr. Tamara Bertrand Jones, associate professor of Higher Education, recently co-authored "Black Sisterhoods: Paradigms and Praxis" with Denise Davis-Maye, Jill Andrew, and alumna Sophia Rahming. The book examines how Black women provide support to peers in academic and professional settings.




February 25, 2022

Kim headshotAssociate Professor Amy Chan Hyung Kim recently had her research covered in the FSU ISL newsletter cover story. Her research explores the benefits of Pickleball participation for older adults.





February 22, 2022

HinesDr. Erik Hines, associate professor of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, will join the discussion panel for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Brown Bag Series. He will discuss the topic "Promoting Institutional Culture That Fosters Black Excellence in the College of Education" this Wednesday, February 23, 2022. 



February 22, 2022

Amal IbourkDr. Amal Ibourk, Assistant Professor in Science Education, recently published “'It is what it is': Using Storied-Identity and intersectionality lenses to understand the trajectory of a young Black woman's science and math identities" in the journal of Research in Science Teaching.




February 20, 2022

JenkinsSimone MayDr. Lyndsay Jenkins (left) and Dr. Simone May (right) will present "The Myths and Realities of Work/Life Balance" for the first Faculty Fellows Initiative of the year. They will discuss their expertise and personal experience about creating and maintaining work/life balance with their peers.



February 18, 2022

Baghurst headshotFSU COACH Director Timothy Baghurst recently spoke with NPR on the doping scandals during the 2022 Winter Olympics. Dr. Baghurst is a former anti-doping administrator for the International Racquetball Federation.




February 16, 2022

Nicole Patton TerryFlorida Center for Reading Research Director Nicole Patton Terry recently spoke in “Black Voices in Education Research," a new joint speaker series presented by the White House and the Institute of Education Sciences. The initiative was created to strengthen the nation by improving educational outcomes for Black Americans of all ages and to help ensure that this population would receive an education that prepares them for college and productive careers to contribute to the well being of society.


February 15, 2022

BuningFSU COACH Teaching Specialist Dr. Megan Buning discussed how isolation and the COVID-19 pandemic has potentially impacted Winter Olympians and their mental health in a CNN article on the topic.




February 15, 2022

Nicole Patton TerryFlorida Center for Reading Research Director Nicole Patton Terry helped the organization receive a five year, $27-million contract to operate the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) for the Southeastern United States. The labs are designed to bridge the gap between educators and policymakers by providing research-based strategies to improve learning outcomes for K-12 students. 



February 15, 2022

Willet Assistant Professor of Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies Dr. Bret Staudt Willet recently received an Outstanding Service Award from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). 




February 14, 2022

Dr. Jenny RootDr. Jenny RootAssociate Professor of Special Education, recently published the first findings from her IES-funded Early Career research grant in an article titled "Teacher-implemented modified schema-based instruction with middle-grades students with autism and intellectual disability" in the journal Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. Co-authors include Dr. Sarah Cox (Special Education PhD '19) and Addie McConomy, current doctoral student in special education. 



February 11, 2022

Baghurst headshotDr. Timothy Baghurst, Director of FSU COACH, was recently featured in a Women's Health article. The article, which discusses the pay that U.S. Olympic Athletes earn, cites a quote from a WUSA9 article that Dr. Baghurst interviewed for. 




February 11, 2022

Roehrig headshotDr. Alysia Roehrig, Professor of Educational Psychology has been chosen to serve as the Education Co-Chair on the Colorful Talks board. Colorful Talks is an online series of education modules & conversation tools to help parents promote understanding & compassion.




February 10, 2022

Hines headshotDr. Erik Hines, associate professor of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, recently gave a public testimony at the Senate Committee on Education at the Capitol. He spoke on SB 1404-School Counselors, which provides certification requirements for school counselors. The bill passed with a 9-0 vote and will come into effect on July 1, 2022.



February 10, 2022

Kathleen KrachDr. Kathleen Krach, Associate Professor in Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, will be presenting at this year's NASP (National Association of School Psychologists) Conference. She will present a discussion on aggressive behavior and different kinds of interventions that school psychologists can employ.